Vaccination premium
Anyone who has already been vaccinated or can still be vaccinated will be able to get a financial prize. The principle of the vaccination premium is simple. The person should be vaccinated, then registered and placed in the drawing lots for financial prizes. It is important that all vaccinees can participate in the vaccination premium, regardless of when and what vaccine was given to them.
Providing information
In this section can be found several information lists published by financial administration. Here you can see e.g. a list of taxable persons with income tax exemption, certificate-holders of an approved economic operator, a list of regulated persons or a list of taxable persons with deduction of research and development expenses.
Arrears, recovery and execution
In this section can be found information on the number of tax debtors, the volume of recovered arrears, a summary of the decisions to initiate enforcement proceedings, as well as information on arrears from customs proceedings and excise duties arrears. You will also find out how many entities we have sent a notice for payment of arrears, how many of them paid them on time and how many entities did not meet the deadline.
Tax and customs revenues
The collection of taxes and duties is provided by the tax and customs offices. It is a joint contribution to support society. See the data on the fulfillment of the state budget of the Slovak Republic according to the type of taxes, within individual customs offices, as well as transfers of the share of personal income tax to the budgets of municipalities and Higher territory units.
Performance of tax administration
Tax administration includes a number of activities and processes in the field of VAT, personal or corporate income taxes, motor vehicle taxes and excise taxes. In this section you will find information regarding the registration of tax subjects, the eKasa system, state aid or accounts.
Performance of customs administration
The duty is a mandatory payment when controlling the flow of goods from non-member EU countries in order to protect the economic interests and the health and safety of the citizens of this area. Gains from customs revenues, the number of issued customs declarations or control transport permits within import, export and transit can be also found in this folder.
Tax audit
Verification of the facts decisive for the correct determination of the tax according to the valid legislation is an important task of the financial administration. In this section, we show you statistics on the performance of tax audits. You will get an overview of the number and types of tax audits that are carried out by the financial administration, the execution orders issued, the amount of findings and the sanctions imposed.
Financial administration
The Financial Administration is a state administration body in the area of taxes, fees and duties. It consists of the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic, customs offices, tax offices and the Criminal Office of the Financial Administration. The task of the financial administration is to collect taxes and duties in order to ensure revenues of the state budget of the Slovak Republic and the European Union, protection of the economic interests of the state and protection of the expenditure part of the state budget of the Slovak Republic. Financial administration is a pro-client institution. It is constantly working to modernize and electronic processes in order to increase the quality of services provided to citizens and businesses.
Newest datasets
Estimate of total Personal Income Tax revenue for 2022 by district and municipality of the taxpayer [25. 03. 2024]
Transit of agricultural commodities in road transport [25. 10. 2023]
Waiting time at the border crossing point Vyšné Nemecké and Ubľa [25. 10. 2023]
The number of annual clearings of personal income tax, performed by the employer on behalf of employees [19. 09. 2023]
The number of personal income tax returns filed by employees with income other than from dependent activity [19. 09. 2023]
The number of personal income tax returns – self-employed persons [19. 09. 2023]
The number of self-employed persons claiming flat-rate expenses [19. 09. 2023]
Production of ethyl alcohol in a fruit grower distillery [12. 09. 2023]
Number of assessed taxable entities [06. 09. 2023]
Updated datasets
Cumulative increases in humanitarian aid for Ukraine [07. 02. 2025]
Humanitarian aid for Ukraine - Vyšné Nemecké [07. 02. 2025]
Humanitarian aid for Ukraine - Ubľa [07. 02. 2025]
Transport of pet animals from Ukraine [07. 02. 2025]
Cumulative increase in animal transport from Ukraine [07. 02. 2025]
Waiting time at the border crossing point Vyšné Nemecké and Ubľa [07. 02. 2025]
Nubmer of filed Excise duty tax returns [05. 02. 2025]
Number of completed tax audits (excluding tax assessment processes according to devices) [04. 02. 2025]
Amount of findings from completed tax audits (excluding tax assessment processes according to devices) [04. 02. 2025]
Most visited datasets
List of tax debtors [5422x]
Cumulative increases in humanitarian aid for Ukraine [4683x]
Current and capital expenditures vs. budget for 2015-2023 [4677x]
Prehľad o počte daňových subjektov podľa vybraných daní v členení podľa daňových úradov k 31.01.2025 [4372x]
Transport of pet animals from Ukraine [4276x]
List of taxpayers registered for VAT [4108x]
Time evolution of VAT gap [3849x]
API Usage Statistics [3655x]
Development of sales and cash receipts registered in the "e-Kasa_ register system [3555x]
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