MONTHLY COMPARISON OF CALL CENTER PERFORMANCE IN 2022 Financial Administration Monthly performance development of the FS call center broken down into providing information to tax subjects through 3 main information channels: mail (Live Agent), telephone calls (call center) and chat (Live Agent). In 20222, in addition to the normal tax and customs agenda, we also provided support for the Ministry of financie SR project - financial assistance to seniors 60+, which was provided to seniors for completed vaccination against the Kovid disease. 722x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
COMPARISON OF PERFORMANCE - FINISHED SUBMISSIONS YEAR 2014-2022 Financial Administration Annual development of FS call center performance comparing the years 2014 to 2022. Providing information to tax subjects via 3 main information channels: mail (Live Agent), phone calls (call center) and chat (Live Agent). The number of prepared submissions of entities in individual years is influenced by the adopted legislative changes and their impact on the fulfillment of tax obligations. At the time of major legislative changes, the number of inquiries increases significantly. In 2021, the increase in demand was influenced by the MFSR vaccination lottery project, during which the FS Call Center provided massive support to citizens who participated in the vaccination lottery. In 2022, we covered support for seniors who were paid a vaccination bonus for completing the Kovid vaccination. 2392x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
PERFORMANCE COMPARISON - PROCESSED SUBMISSIONS SECOND HALF YEAR 2016-2022 Financial Administration Performances at Call Center FS are affected either by significant legislative changes on individual types of taxes or the introduction of new projects at FS or MF. By comparing performances in the first half of 2014-2022, 2 periods in which the performance curve rose significantly are interesting: - the year 2019 was significantly influenced by electronic communication, i.e. the obligation for all entrepreneurs to communicate with the FS SR electronically. - the second half of 2022, from the point of view of the demands on the number of fulfilled requests, we worked in a normal stable mode. 827x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Completed client submissions in 2022 Financial Administration The graph shows the performance of FS Call Center consultants in 2022 according to communication channels (mail - written communication, telephone communication, chats). Support for seniors as part of the Financial assistance to seniors 60+ project is listed comprehensively for email and telephone support. 2144x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Comparison of preformances I.half year 2014-2022 Financial Administration Performances at Financial Administration Call Center are affected either by legislative changes on individual types of taxes or the introduction of new projects at Financial Administration or Ministry of Finace. Comparing performances in the first half of 2016-2022 The year 2019 was influenced by electronic communication, i.e. the obligation for all entrepreneurs to communicate with the FS SR electronically. In the first half of 2022, we processed almost 310,000 submissions. The MFSR project - Financial assistance to seniors 60+ also contributed significantly to this performance. At the call center, we provided support for seniors who applied for 200 or 300 e help for vaccination against the covid disease. We handled almost 118,000 applications for senior citizens. 2124x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Financial assistence to seniors in the first half of 2022 Financial Administration The MFSR Financial Assistance to Seniors 60+ project significantly influenced the performance of consultants in the first half of the year at the Financial Administration call center. In total, we processed almost 118,000 submissions from seniors who asked us questions about claiming a €200 or €300 bonus for vaccination against the contagious disease covid. The graph shows the performance of consultants according to the communication channels mail - written inquiry and telephone communication, by individual months. The biggest rush was recorded in the first Q, in which we handled almost 94,000 submissions of senior citizens. 1940x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email