Expenditures of the IT section of the Financial administration – the evolution Ministry of Finance Development of expenditure of the IT Section of the Financial Administration The Dataset displays the total expenditure on information systems, specialised systems, support infrastructure, internal administration systems, information systems licences, applications licences, application support and development of information systems of the Financial Administration of the SR for the years 2014 to 2022. They are classified under the programme structure code - 0EK. The source of the data: 2014-2017 - Financial Administration; 2018-2022 - the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, State Reporting Section; 2023 - Financial Administration Note: In 2023, an SLA contract for the support of the FS Portal operation in the amount of €2,610,319.68 was delimited from the MF SR to the FR SR. Update: annually 658x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
IT technology expenditure (0EK) are divided into current and capital expenditure Ministry of Finance The Dataset displays current and capital expenditure on information systems, specialised systems, supporting infrastructure, internal administration systems, information systems licences and applications licences, application support and development of information systems of the Financial Administration of the SR for the years 2018 to 2022. They are classified under the programme structure code - 0EK. Note: In 2022, an increase in current expenditure is recorded due to a significant one-off investment in the replacement of computers, monitors and accessories for more than 7000 employees of the Financial Administration. The source of the data: 2018-2022 - the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, State Reporting Section; 2023 - Financial Administration Note: In 2023, an SLA contract for the support of the FS Portal operation in the amount of €2,610,319.68 was delimited from the MF SR to the FR SR. Update: annually 496x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
IT technology expenditure (0EK) - Annual difference compared to 2018-2019 average Ministry of Finance The Dataset shows the annual difference in spending in 2020, 2021 and 2022 compared to the 2018-2019 annual average. Also based on this comparison, it is clear that through the rational management of the Financial Administration, the average Information and communication technologies (ICT) expenditure was reduced to just under €47 million (compared to 2018-2019, when ICT expenditure reached almost 65 million). The expenditure is classified under the programme structure code - 0EK. The source of the data: 2018-2022 - the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, State Reporting Section; 2023 - Financial Administration Note: In 2023, an SLA contract for the support of the FS Portal operation in the amount of €2,610,319.68 was delimited from the MF SR to the FR SR. Update: annually 898x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Development of current expenditure of the IT Section of the Financial Administration Financial Administration The Dataset shows current expenditure on information systems, specialised systems, supporting infrastructure, internal administration systems, information systems licences and applications licences, application support and development of information systems of the Financial Administration of the SR for the years 2018 to 2022. They are classified under the programme structure code - 0EK. Note: In 2022, an increase in current expenditure is recorded due to a significant one-off investment in the replacement of computers, monitors and accessories for more than 7000 employees of the Financial Administration. The source of the data is the Ministry of Finance, State Reporting Section Update: annually 851x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Development of capital expenditure of the IT Section of the Financial Administration Ministry of Finance The Dataset shows capital (investment) expenditure on information systems, specialised systems, support infrastructure, internal administration systems, information systems licences and applications licences, application support and development of information systems of the Financial Administration of the SR for the years 2018 to 2022. They are classified under the programme structure code - 0EK. The source of the data is the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, State Reporting Section Update: annually 500x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Current and capital expenditures vs. budget for 2015-2023 Financial Administration From the point of view of management, the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic is a budgetary organization which, in addition to fulfilling state revenues (tax and customs revenues), is also obliged to comply with binding indicators of the Slovak Republic concerning spending on FS expenditures and fulfilling non - tax revenues. Expenditure on financial administration includes current expenditure on salaries, day-to-day operations and support and maintenance of information systems; and capital expenditures for the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, which in terms of economic classification are divided into construction and machinery investments and capital expenditures on information systems. The organization's non-tax revenues consist of income from business and property ownership, administrative fees and charges, and capital and other non-tax revenues. Detailed data on the structure of expenditures and non-tax revenues are in the appendix. Update: annually 4434x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email