Daily development of intermediary registration Financial Administration Daily development of intermediary registration. Update: daily 640x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Proportion of registered persons in the vaccination premium by age groups Financial Administration Proportion of registered persons in the vaccination premium by age groups, by weeks. 693x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Daily development of the number of registered persons in the vaccination premium by sex Financial Administration Daily development of the number of registered persons in the vaccination premium by sex. Update: daily 1030x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Winners of the vaccination premium by regions of the Slovak Republic and the volume of paid winnings Financial Administration Winners of the vaccination premium by regions of the Slovak Republic and the volume of paid winnings. Update: annually 1042x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email