Amount of recovered tax arrears Financial Administration Recovered amount of enforceable instruments permitting enforcement in euros. Act on Tax Administration (Tax Code) nr. 563/2009. Cumulative data at the end of relevant year, in the current year at the end of previous month. Data update: monthly. 867x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Amount of tax arrears allocated for recovery Financial Administration Amount from enforceable instruments permitting enforcement in euros. Act on Tax Administration (Tax Code) nr. 563/2009. Cumulative data at the end of relevant year, in the current year at the end of previous month. Data update: monthly. 1162x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Tax enforcement proceedings Financial Administration Number of issued decisions on tax enforcement proceedings initiation and amount of tax arrears in recovery in euros, cumulative data at the end of relevant year, in the current year at the end of previous month. Act on Tax Administration (Tax Code) nr. 563/2009 . Data update: monthly 1591x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Lien Financial Administration Number of issued decisions on eshtablishing a lien and amount of secured tax arrears in euros, cumulative data at the end of relevant year, in the current year at the end of previous month. Act on Tax Administration (Tax Code) nr. 563/2009 . Data update: monthly. 1227x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Number of requests for mutual assistance on recovery of claims - sent by Slovakia Financial Administration Mutual assistance on recovery of claims - request for mutual assistance on recovery of claims send by Slovakia. Act no. 466/2009 Coll.The cumulative total of data at the end of relevant year, in the current year at the end of previous quarter. Data update: Quarterly. 1165x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Number of requests for mutual assistance on recovery of claims - received by Slovakia Financial Administration Mutual assistance on recovery of claims - request for mutual assistance on recovery of claims received by Slovakia. Act no. 466/2009 Coll.The cumulative total of data at the end of relevant year, in the current year at the end of previous quarter. Data update: Quarterly. 1944x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Mutual assistance on recovery of claims - recovered amounts of the claims received by Slovakia Financial Administration Mutual assistance on recovery of claims - recovered amounts of the claims received by Slovakia. Act no. 466/2009 Coll.The cumulative total of data at the end of relevant year, in the current year at the end of previous quarter. Data update: Quarterly. 1159x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Bankruptcy Financial Administration Number of tax debtors with filled petition for bankruptcy and amount of settled claims in euros, cumulative data at the end of relevant year, in the current year at the end of previous month. Act on Bankruptcy and Restructuring nr. 7/2005 . Data update: monthly. 1230x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Debt relief Financial Administration Number of tax debtors - natural person, who were debt reliefed and amount of settled claim in euros, cumulative data at the end of relevant year, in the current year at the end of previous month. Act on Bankruptcy and Restructuring nr. 7/2005 . Data update: monthly. 1196x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email
Permitted Restructuring Financial Administration Number of tax debtors, for whom restructuring was permitted and amount of settled claim in euros, cumulative data at the end of relevant year, in the current year at the end of previous month. Act on Bankruptcy and Restructuring nr. 7/2005 . Data update: monthly. 1554x xlsx Share with Facebook Share with LinkedIn Share with Pinterest Share with Twitter Share with E-mail Notify changes by email